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Tashabose Educaiton Organization

About TEO

Established in December 2010, the Tashabos Education Organization (TEO) is a youth focused organization that promotes responsible citizenship and leadership, democratic governance and lessons in market economy, and facilitates networking to high school students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 in Kabul, Nangarhar, Parwan and Bamyan Provinces.

TEO grew out of a Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE) project to promote entrepreneurship, responsible citizenship, and responsible governance among youth, particularly those in high school.

TEO at a Glance

TEO is a model, led by examples, and a competency based organization with committed human capital serving humanity through sustainable approaches. TEO is voice of the budding entrepreneurs.

  • National focus – our students come from across the all AFghanistan provinces

  • People not profits – education is a right not a privilege


The TEO’s mission is to advance the spread of democratic principles, self-reliance and sustainable development through the education of our Afghan youth.

Develop innovation and creativity in young entrepreneurs

Engendering Entrepreneurship in Afghan Youth

To instil in Afghan youth an awareness of the values of entrepreneurship, market economics, and self-reliance