Top 10 Business Proposal Competition
Abdul Wakil Boys’ High School of Nangarhar
Date: February 14, 2022
Time: 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Venue: School Library
Abdul Wakil Boys’ High School (BHS) is one of the active schools in the Tashabos program in Nangarhar. Top 10 students of the school actively attended the Business Proposal Competition (BPC). This year 16 students developed Business Proposals (BPs), which TEO program team reviewed and selected Top 10 BPs. Considering the criteria TEO and the school administration conducted the Top 10 BPC in the school.
Upon arrival, at first the TEO team members visited the new appointed principal of the high school Mr. Mohammad Naeem Momand in his office. Both sides discussed about Tashabos program main activities and program achievements during the last years. Mr. Momand called Tashabos program important because the people economical situation is bad and the Tashabos program is a good choice for the youths socio-economic empowerment.
The BPC started with the recitation from Holy Quraan. School principal, Mr. Momand talked in details about the Tashabos definition, maximum use of limited facilities, and conducting of this sound competition among the students. He thanked TEO for provision of this opportunity and he announced his full support from TEO.
Mr. Ahmad Shakieb Fayzi, Tashabos Program Officer at first thanked school administration, Tashabos teachers, and students for their participation at this holy gathering. He briefed students regarding Tashabos program main activities, as well he told about the business proposals presenting rules which according to that students to present their business proposals to the jury members.
The jury members were included; TEO representative, school vice principal (teaching), and one of the teacher of the school. The jury members scored all Top 10 according to their business proposals creativity and economical efficiency and Top were ranked from 1 to 10 accordingly.
– Among Top 10 selected students one of them was absent at the competition, who was replaced by another student. All Top 10 presented their proposals on their turns to the jury members and their classmates, contesters answered the juriors’ questions appropriately.
– Some other privileged students of schools were invited to the competition to get an idea from the competition.
– More of the students called Tashabos program very important in their encouragement, their business improvement, and marketing aspects.
– Top three students selected as follow;
1- Mr. Noman, Grade 12 student. His business proposal was about making electrical toys, producing gas from water and petrol combination, and using basic items for making house decoration items as fountain. He said, with studying Tashabos textbooks he is encouraged to produce innovative products, using available limited facilities, which until now was able to make electrical tanks for kids as toys and some decorative items for house decoration. He wishes that with provision of facilities he will be able to improve his work and to supply his products to market.
2- Mr. Nasrullah, Grade 12 student. His business proposal was about producing cream and shampoo domestically. He said, that with partnership with his relatives they have production factory of these products in Nangarhar province. He is supplying the products in the foreign labeled cans to the markets, the jury members advised him to use their own label and logo.
3- Mr. Tayibullah, Grade 12 student. His business proposal was about incubator for hatchlings. For now he was able to make basic incubator from the simple items which have positive result.
– The business proposal competition ended with award of trophies, business related books, and appreciation certificates.