Saturday: March 5, 2022
The workshop of the Top 10 started with recitation of the Holy Quran. As the title suggests, in the workshop, the Top 10 students were selected from the Top 50. According to the agenda, the trainer reminded the students that the training of the Top 10 will continue for three days, and later invited Mr. Haqbeen, to speak to the students.
At the beginning of his speech, Mr. Haqbeen congratulated the students for making it to the Top 10, and then spoke about the generalities of the final round. He mentioned that according to the advice, the girl students could not participate in the trainings this year for some reasons such as closure of the schools, and also due to the political change, out of 21,000 students under the auspices of TEO, only you were able to make it. We expect you to make the most of the Top 10 three-day training.
He also added that Tashabos seeks to reveal the hidden talents of students and future innovators of the country. The difference between Tashabos/TEO and other sister agencies is that TEO with limited resources has always encouraged students. Although TEO cannot financially support students to develop their entrepreneurship, TEO gives mentality and provide technical support and motivation on how to go for innovation in the early stages of their business so that they can think about their business and how their business stands. He advised students to take small step with motivation and start with confidence to succeed.
He then asked each of the Top 10 to describe their Business Proposals (BPs) in detail and comprehensively, this time, which they did so.
Then the trainer distributed the timetable and stationery, asked the students to abide by the timetable and prepare themselves accordingly for the three-day training.
The trainer also once again distributed pre-test forms to the students to assess their level of knowledge.
Later, the trainer briefly addressed the first session entitled “Knowledge and Familiarity with the Workshop Participants”, because the students already were fully introduced in the Top 50 training and the students were fully aware of the rules and regulations of the workshop, so the trainer started the second session entitled Tashabos/entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship is about creating something new with the right time and effort, and using the right creativity and innovation to get the most out of it.
The person who performs these actions is called an entrepreneur. In other words, the person who creates and leads all the activities and the profit and loss is related to himself, is called the entrepreneur.
The trainer, in addition to the definition, described types of entrepreneurs (types of entrepreneurs in terms of trade, entrepreneurs in terms of transactions, entrepreneurs in terms of agriculture, technological entrepreneurs) and some scientific terms and expressions such as: (trade, commercial transactions, trade risk, risk factors in trade, insurance, monopoly).
Before introducing the title of the new lesson (Management), Trainer asked a student to place the marker from a small table on a large table and tasked other students with other assignments. The trainer then asked the purpose of his instruction, the smart students who were waiting for the answer, immediately responded, your aim was to show us management. The trainer was pleased to hear the answer and encouraged the students. This way the trainer made the participants attentive for the third session entitled Management and Coordination in a Business.
Management is derived from two French words Manage meaning to organize and Men meaning people, the general meaning of which is to organize and manage people. Management is a set of regular and continuous activities that people implement in practice to achieve their common and specific goals.
After presenting detailed information about the management, the trainer divided the students into three groups (Khawaja Abdullah Ansari School, Abdul Wakil School, Ustad Betab School) and asked the students to write the answers to the questions on flipcharts. The trainer then graded the groups based on their answers provided and selected Khawaja Abdullah Ansari’s group as the top group based on their answers. Later, the trainer addressed the students about the major tasks of managers, which are: planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and hiring, and added that management and coordination in an office is the backbone of the office. The trainer showed the students the work plans of the TEO and asked the students, to write a work plan for their enterprise for a week time on a piece of paper.
This way, thus first day Top 10 training ended.
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