Thursday: 03-03-2022
The fifth day began with the recitation of few verses from the Holy Quran that was followed by attendance. Among the 16 students, one of them named Mohammad Musa Rasekh Malang, who had asked for leave due to a justified excuse, but based on his enthusiasm and interest in the Tashabos training, he despite the excuse attended the training.
The trainer then reviewed the previous lesson and asked the student to ask any questions they had about the previous lessons.
Before starting the new lesson, the trainer reminded the students once again that out of 297 Business Proposals BPs, your BPs have been selected as the Top 50, that this shows your talent and merit. According to the process, Final Top 10 BPs should enter the next stage, but those remaining out of the process should never be disappointed, the students also confirmed the trainer’s words. The trainers then mentioned the following points as the remaining sessions, the tenth session, about: (business ethics, quality review, product or production quality, procurement, problem identification, notepad).
The trainer later addressed the 11th session entitled online commerce and he asked the students to comment on the term online and online commerce.
The following points were obtained by combining the students’ theories:
• Internet commerce
• Trading via internet
• Receive orders and receive payments via the internet
Later, the trainer assigned the students to work as a team, and at the end of the group work, the trainer graded the answers provided by the students and encouraged the top group. At the end of the group work, the trainer assigned the next section to the invited employees of Ministry of Education Radio and Television ERTV as follows:
ERTV had been a partner of TEO for many years and has always played a significant role in encouraging students and has supported TEO by broadcasting programs from the trainings and other events. Once again, the colleagues of ERTV accepted the invitation by attending the training on the fifth day (the last day of training) and then introduced themselves to the students and, in addition to recording a video of the training on the last day, interviewed the students, who introduced themselves as role models to other young students in our country, Afghanistan.
In the final part of the training, according to the agenda, Mr. Haqbeen, presented their advice and assessed the level of effectiveness of the five-day training on the students’ knowledge by asking few questions.
1- What did you learn from the five-day training?
Answers provided: (About business, key points about entrepreneurship, demand and supply and its relationship)
2- What are your suggestions for improving future trainings?
Answer: All the students made only one suggestion that time was short.
3- Why we emphasized on business ethics in all the sessions?
Answers provided:
• Business ethics is the foundation of our family.
• Both legitimate entrepreneurship and legitimate income (both are dates and rewards)
• Having ethics in business is a conscientious and humane duty.
4- What is the difference between Tashabos and vocation?
Answers provided:
• Vocation is one of the branches of Tashabos.
• The overall goal of Tashabos is to be my own boss.
In the final hours of the fifth day of the workshop, TEO honored the students with certificates of appreciation.