Mr. Nasrullah Omar
Nasrullah Omar is one of the Grade 12 graduates of Abdul Wakil BHS in 2022 in Nangarhar Province. He contested in the Tashabos student’s business proposal competition process with a business proposal named Beauty Goods Sales Company. He shared the following information regarding his business proposal at Final Top 10 Business Proposal Competition:
How I started this business, although I was somehow familiar with this work and had some progress regarding this work. When I went to Pakistan I saw a shampoo production company, so I thought with my self to have such company. That was all that after many tries I brought the raw materials and after several experiments I was able to produce some shampoo, which was not of high quality at first but despite that my family and relatives encouraged me to continue this business and now I have a good business.
I, always was thinking about starting a big business, which would needed more capital but Tashabos subject taught us that with a small capital even up to AFN.500 we can launch a business, as well Tashabos taught us that a business start-up is not only related or rely only on materials but it depend on high spirits too.