Mr. Raziq Dad Sakandari
Raziq Dad Sakandari is Graduated from Khawaja Abdullah Ansari BHS of Kabul City in 2021. His business proposal was about car painting service. He carries this vocation besides studying school. He shared the following information regarding his business proposal at the Final Top 10 business proposal competition;
We are trying to use high quality materials with reasonable price in our car painting business. The future plan that I have is: I want to expand my workshop and hire more workers in different sections, also to expand my services to all provinces of the country, and to give discount for those customers who are receiving our services more than twice.
I have to say about the Tashabos subject role that taught me to have a regular accurate plan, the contents of Tashabos textbooks from Grade 10 to 12 helped me more in starting the business, this took place very effective in selecting and launching my business, and situated as the main axis of my business.
At the end he in support of the Tashabos program, mentioned, I am requesting the businessmen and donors to assist the Tashabos Educational Organization for prospering such programs to exhibit the students’ talents.