With the initiative from the Tashabos Educational Organization, TEO organized the exhibition in TEO’s office on 20 October, 2022. The main purpose of holding this exhibition was to reveal innovations, develop business relations, and in general, provide a field of progress for young entrepreneurs.
In this exhibition, more than ten students from high schools covered by the Tashabos program attended and displayed their products, some of the students were accompanied by their parents and Tashabos teachers. The displayed products were: drawing/painting arts, various samples of Afghani dresses/clothes, children’s woven clothes, jackets, silver products, jams, earrings, bracelets, and ornaments made from primitive objects, etc.
Various representatives from stakeholders visited this exhibition, on behalf of the Ministry of Education colleagues from Basic and Secondary Education Directorate, from Ministry of Industry and Commerce representatives, a well known personality on social media Afghan entrepreneur Ms. Nadima Kakai with her business partner Mr. Ian Purchase, colleagues from two other NGOs EPEK Int and ARHSO attended this glorious exhibition. It is mentionable that colleagues from Ministry of Education Radio and Television filmed the program; ERTV always cooperate for covering of the program activities which is much appreciated.
Before visit from the exhibition the program main activities and achievements were presented to the participants. Ms. Nadima called the Tashabos program only choice to respond to the Afghanistan’s current challenges especially unemployment and poverty. The guests visited the exhibition, talked with the entrepreneurs about their business situation and encouraged them a lot, which increased the working spirit of the youth.
Tashabos student’s mentioned the program as origin of their motivation, self-reliance, and base for providing of working opportunities and carrying of a positive economical mutation, they requested from the stakeholders and responsible organizations to provide the ground for expansion of Tashabos program.
During his speech, the representative of the Department of Basic and Secondary Education considered the Tashabos program important in revealing the talents and economic empowerment of the youth and asked the leadership of the Ministry of Education to facilitate the expansion and development of the Tashabos important program.