Despite closing of the intermediate and high schools for females students, who are not attending their classes above grade six, TEO and school administration took the initiative for launching of the entrepreneurs exhibition. This exhibition launched on 23 October, 2022 at school yard. The purposes for launching of exhibition were; encouraging Tashabos students, facilitation for earning income, and guiding/updating them about the Tashabos program activities.
As students especially girls are more interested for participating in the Tashabos program activities, so besides self-studying of their Tashabos subjects at homes they worked on practical aspect as well and prepared their handicrafts for exhibition. This process indicates that Tashabos teachers have had regularly working with their students, guided and encouraging them in program related activities. This can be a role model for the students of other schools that they could be able to exhibit their innovations, creativities, and skills. Displayed products were handicrafts, magazines and most of the food items with high demand and were bought by the elementary level school students.