The business proposal competitions is one of the main Tashabos program activities. The business proposal competitions among the students who have start-up ideas. The business proposal competition is a 12 steps process which starts from developing of a business proposal by Tashabos students and ending with the final Top 10 business proposal competition event. The purpose of organizing these competitions are recognizing the creative ideas, popularizing of sound competition among students, encouraging students in their small businesses, and sharing the opportunities for further improvements.
The Tashabos Educational Organization and the Lamay Shaheed Girls’ High School organized the Business Proposal Competition (BPC) in the high school on November 2, 2022 at conference hall of the school, the competition conducted with a close coordination with the District Educational Directorate and school administration to encouraging the students for their creativities. The BPC was help with participation of eight contesters from grades 10, 11, and 12.
The event started with the recitation of few verses from Holy Quran. Mr. Ahmad Shakieb Fayzi Program Officer welcomed all of the participants, he talked about the significance of Tashabos (entrepreneurship) program that today’s we are witness of the various progress/improvements, the reason is creativity and innovation. Mr. Fayzi mentioned to students that despite the high school students are not attending their schools, you took advantage of the opportunity and developed business proposals for your future self-sufficiency, that we appreciate your great work. He described the main points about presenting of students business proposals and clarified the criterions of proposals evaluation.
A jury members committee comprised of the school vice principal, Tashabos teacher, and TEO program assistant assigned for evaluation process of the students business proposals. All students presented their business proposals on their own turns. The jury members asked questions about business proposals’ budgeted costs, marketing, future expansion plans, and other related parts. Jury members advised students with the essential consultations/recommendations for their businesses improvements. As a conclusion of competition the Top 3 students were selected as follow:
1- First position, Ms. Zarlasht student of Grade 10, her business proposal was about tailoring that she is managing her work with assistance of her family members. She told that she sells her products to the market with cooperation from her neighbors.
2- Second position, Ms. Zarpana student of Grade 11, her business proposal was about making cloth shopper bags. He says her purpose is to avoid air pollution and to gain Halal income. She told with studying Tashabos subjects, she got the idea to benefit her skills and make use of the available opportunities.
3- Third position, Ms. Meena student of Grade 12, her business proposal was about producing dish washing liquid. She is producing the liquid at home and contracted wholesaler.
School principal thanked TEO leadership for its continuous support about encouraging the students. Event ended with award of trophies, business related books (Islamic economic, management and administration, marketing), and distribution of appreciation certificates.