One of the main and fundamental goals of the Tashabos Educational Organization is to reveal the hidden talents of the young generation and create an environment for the emergence of these talents. Therefore, the Tashabos Educational Organization organizes the students’ business proposals competition every year in cooperation with the principals and teachers of the high schools implemented by TEO. In this process of the competition the students who have creativity and business ideas and intend to start a small business, their proposals were evaluated and the Top 10 BPs were selected for this competition. This way they take the first step to realize their dreams.
The Competition of business proposals of students of Tajrobawe Mohammad Usman BHS took place, on Nov 13, 2022. Eight students contested the BPC, and two students could not participate due to their reasonable excuses.
The competition started with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Qur’an and after that Mr. Seyed Jalal Rahmani, Master Trainer of the Tashabos Educational Organization, welcomed the students and encouraged them, he at the end of the speech, briefed the students about the process of the competition. In the next stage (Mr. Seyed Jalal Rahmani – Master Trainer of Tashabos Educational Organization, Mr. Abdul Samad – Tashabos Teacher, Mr. Seyed Mujtaba- Vice Principal (Teaching) of the high school) were selected as the jury and thus the Business proposals competition process began.
The students selected for the competition, each in his turn presented his business proposal. After the questions and answers that were exchanged between the students and the jury members, the jury members encouraged and motivated each of the students and in addition to the useful ideas they expressed to them about their business proposals, the students were selected based on the criteria set in the score sheet from the first to tenth positions, the Top 3 are as follows:
1st Position: Mr. Lahuti, a 10th grade student, his BP was aboutsmart lights. He added that after reading the Tashabos subject, I wanted to start a small business, a type of business that includes innovation, and after that, the idea came to my mind when I looked at the street lights and I said to myself, there should be someone who turn these lights on at night and then turn them off when the sun rises, so I wanted to make a light-sensitive smart lamp/light so that it will automatically turn on in the dark and turn off automatically in the light.
2nd Position: Mr. Sayed Habib and Ainullah, students of Grade 10, the two mentioned students, after reading the Tashabos subject, based on their enthusiasm and ideas, they bought a machine as a partnership and brought it to satrt business of selling quails’ eggs and meat, and added that for the future their plan with the guidance of the Tashabos subject, is to turn this small business into a big one.
Third Position: Mr. Shabir Ahmad, a Grade 12 student, he has the honey trade and says that by reading the subject of Tashabos, I wanted to be self-sufficient among people and be a source of service for my fellow citizens, since there is a lot of mixed honey in the market and pure honey has a very high price, and on the other hand, I thought about the importance of honey through the instructions of the Holy Qur’an, I started a honey business, and according to the plan I have prepared for myself, I want to offer online honey services to my dear compatriots who want to buy honey.
At the end of the competition, the jury members encouraged and awarded the contesters with appreciation letters, trophies and books related to business (Islamic economy, administration and management, administration and management of marketing) and the high school administration thanked and appreciated the Tashabos Educational Organization.