Betab HS is one of the active schools among Tashabos program coverage high schools in Kabul City, the students of this school had more of initiatives and achievements during the last years in Tashabos program too. All together 50 students of the high schools wrote business proposals which included various categories such as tailoring, carpentry, electrical engineering, fruits sales, and etc. Based on the Top 10 business proposals selection criteria’s, among all of the business proposals Top 10 selected for the competition.
TEO and school administration in joint collaboration organized the business proposal competition in this school on November 14, 2022. The program started with the recitation of few verses of the Holy Quran. After speech about the Tashabos (entrepreneurship) significance for students, students were guided about the presentation of their business proposals to consider the important points during their presentations.
All Top 10 students presented their business proposals in front of the jury members and their classmates as well they answered the related questions. During students presentation they mentioned that after studying the Tashabos subjects and encouraged by their teachers they were able to start and manage small businesses for their self-reliance.
As the competition result the Top 3 students selected as follow;
1- First position, Mr. Aminullah student of Grade 12, his business proposal was about the designing of jewel on simple cloth. He is working on this idea jointly with his brother Mr. Zabihullah, this is a creativity in the market. He says that he buy the simple cloth from the shopkeepers and increases its value by addition work and designing with the special machines, he supplying the designed/ fashioned cloth to the market with a high price.
2- Second position, Mr. Khalilullah student of Grade 12, he is working as a reporter and assists in preparation of news-letters, currently besides studying his lessons he work part time with Islah Radio.
3- Third position, Mr. Mohammad Dawood student of Grade 12, his business idea was about the sewing of cars seats covers; he was able to start his work with a minimum investment.
School principal, Tashabos teacher, and students thanked TEO for its continuous efforts in encouraging youths for their talents revealing and appreciated these. At the end of competition trophies, business related books, and appreciation certificates were distributed to the students.