Khawaja Musafer BHS is one of the pioneer and active schools of Tashabos program, located in Paghman District of Kabul province. Students from this high school were able during last year to pass to the Final Top 10 business proposal competition. This year 14 students wrote business proposals in different categories.
TEO and school administration conducted business proposal competition of this school on 15 November, 2022. School principal, vice-principal, educational supervision member, teachers, and students participated at the competition event. The event started with the recitation of some verses from Holy Quran. Then all of the Top 10 students presented their business ideas to the jury members as well they answered the related question to their business plans.
Students mentioned during their presentations that Tashabos program is the origins of ideas for their self-reliance they told that their main objective from the start of their businesses is to serve people. The jury members advised the contesters for their work improvements.
The Top three selected were;
1- First position, Mr. Samiullah student of Grade 10. His business proposal is about carrying online business. He says that he took the training for starting this business then with the little investment he was able to gain more return.
2- Second position, Mr. Nazifullah student of Gade 11. His business proposal is about cultivating and selling of straw berry. He says that he was able to penetrate at the market and obtain customers satisfaction.
3- Third position, Mr. Ahmad Belal student of Grade 12. He was able to make incubator machine from used electrical accessories. He says that with the provision of the ground he can improve this work.
School principal Mr. Abdul Aqa Sarwari and educational supervision member Mr. Mehrabuddin expressed their satisfaction with implementation of the Tashabos program and called such programs very important in the students and their family economics. Tashabos program officer appreciated students’ efforts and their creativities; he wished more success in the future.
The competition ended with distribution of trophies, business related books, and appreciation certificates.