In series of conducting business proposal competitions, this time Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) team went to Bamyan Province for conducting of business proposal competition and visiting of the Tashabos entrepreneurs students products’ exhibition. Totally 20 students of Zokor Markaz Bamyan High School developed business proposals. More of the business proposals were in vocational sector; after review and evaluation among all proposals 10 top proposals were selected for competition inside the school, all Top 10 students presented their proposals on their own turn.
TEO in collaboration with the school administration conducted business proposal competition on October 25, 2023 in the library of high school. The event started with recitation of Holy Quran.
TEO Master Trainer, Mr. Sayed Jalal Rahmani after welcoming the participants, described the process of business proposals presentation to the contesters. Mr. Rahmani mentioned that TEO implement Tashabos program in high schools for the purpose of youth socio-economic empowerment that have positive impacts on student’s mentality.
All students displayed their sample of products in the exhibition, beside the students, a female teacher of the high school as well attended the exhibition and displayed her various types of handicraft products.
The contesters presented their business proposals to the jury members. Jury members asked the contesters some questions about their budget, marketing plan, future plan and other related questions to their small businesses; students answered the questions accordingly.
Jury members provided their professional advices to the students for their business improvements, so that the students are able to increase their customers with supply of standard products into the market.
As result of competition, top three students were selected as follow:
1- First position, Mr. Mehdi Rasooli student of Grade 12. His business proposal is Chahlburj Handicraft. They made various types of handicrafts that have good market.
2- Second position, Mr. Ali Agha Muzaka student of Grade 12. He has honey bee farm. He said that after studying of Tashabos subject, he thought about a business startup; currently he runs his business successfully.
3- Third Position, Mr. Ali Raza Noori student of Grade 12. His business proposal is about photography service that he earns his daily expenses from this work.
At the end of competition and exhibition event, TEO appreciated and awarded the students with trophies, business related textbooks, and appreciation certificates.