Rahman Meena High school is related to eight District Educational Directorate, this high school is one of the active schools. The school administration arrange Tashabos program related events very well and students of this school implement Tashabos program related activities with great interest. Tashabos Educational Organization in collaboration with the school administration conducted business proposal competition in this school on November 2, 2023 in conference hall of the school.
Eight District Educational Director (DED), Mr. Qari Abdul Rahman Khadam and Mr. Qari Fitratullah came to visit the competition and encourage students. Beside competition, students displayed their products. Before start of business proposal competition DED, TEO team and school principal jointly visited students’ product exhibition, they discussed with each of the students about their products and provided the essential advices for the students’ business improvement.
Event started with recitation of Holy Quran. School Principal Ms. Rahmana Sahibi Askaryar during her opening speech provided the background information of Tashabos program in the school.
The DED director pointed to some of the important facts during his speech, below is the quote of his speech.
“We have to be thankful of Almighty Allah for having a government that serves people. We are here to serve you, we are not order you, for the purpose of reaching success we have to determine our goal that our first goal must be obtaining of Almighty Allah pleasure. We support your efforts, our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said in a Hadith that “The honest and trustworthy merchant will be with the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs.” See how Allah JJ give high position for honest entrepreneurs. You entrepreneurs students must consider honesty and trustworthy in your businesses. In Islamic history, Umm-ul-Mu’minin Khadijah tul-Kubra was a success business women, she is a model for us. Today I come for your encouragement, I thank TEO and we are with you for the Tashabos program expansion”
Tashabos Program Officer, Mr. Ahmad Shakieb Fayzi after welcome, thanked DED and school administration for their usual cooperation and he described the evaluation criteria for presenting their business proposals. He gave details about Tashabos program main activities, he mentioned that purpose of conducting this competition is to evaluate Top 10 students and to encourage you.
All Top 10 students presented their business proposals on their own turn. Jury members asked questions from students about their objectives, budget, marketing plan and etc. students answered the questions according to their business plans.
At end of business proposal competition, students were awarded with trophies, business related books and appreciation certificates.