Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) in collaboration with Shaheed Mohammad Arif High School in Nangarhar Province organized Business Proposal Competition among Tashabos students on December 19, 2023 in the library of the high school. Purpose of conducting business proposal competition is to encourage students and to identify quality business proposals. This year student of this high school wrote 30 business proposals majority of which were in vocational sector.
Tashabos Educational Organization team prior to conducting competition met with Muwlavi Ibrahim, Principal of the school. During this meeting, TEO Program Officer presented him information about TEO and Tashabos program. He mentioned that the goal of Tashabos program is to reveal the hidden talents and to facilitate positive mentality in youths towards self-reliance and socio-economic empowerment.
The competition started with recitation of few verses from the Holy Quran. Tashabos Program Officer called all Top 10 students successful and he told to students that “You are very lucky, selected for the Top 10 positions among all students of high school”. He also presented to the students the business proposal contest’s procedure, so all students to present their proposals to the jury members within the given time. All Top 10 students presented their proposal with dire interest. The jury members asked the contesters questions about their proposals’ budgets, marketing, work procedures, staff etc.; students answered the questions in accordance to their proposals.
During presentation, majority of students mentioned that with studying Tashabos subjects, they were motivated for small business startups and now they are taking step toward improvement. The jury members provided their suggestions and shared their recommendations with the students about improvement of their small businesses.
As result of the competition; Top 3 students were selected as follow;
1- First position, Mr. Suhayl Layiq Student of Grade 11. His business proposal was about producing of various types of silver jewelry products. He told that his work goes well and he is able to assist his family economically.
2- Second position, Mr. Habibullah Momand Student of Grade 12. His business proposal is about furniture production. He says that carpentry is his father vocation, while studying Tashabos subjects, he brought innovation to his work by adding quality and variation in the furniture products.
3- Third position, Mr. Shahidullah Student of Grade 12. He has fruit whole sales store in Jalalabad City’s fruit market. He said, that he always try to keep his customers satisfied with supplying quality and fresh fruits.
At the end of competition, one of respected teacher of this school Mr. Shirin Agha Mandozai thanked TEO leadership that honestly serves countrymen, specially youths. As well he requested if TEO could assist school administration to construct an exhibition room for displaying students products. Related to his request, TEO Program Officer mentioned that TEO currently due to insufficient fund, this would be difficult but we need to jointly try to mobilize resources for this purpose.
At the end of competition, students were awarded with trophies, business related books and appreciation certificates.