Despite many challenges, Tashabos Educational Organization has been always looking for alternative ways to achieve the main goal, which is to motivate students to achieve self-reliance, and fortunately, once again, with the cooperation of the relevant departments, the Top 10 Business Proposals competition was held on Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023, in Alayee Girls High School in which, Mr. Asadurahman Haqqani,Head of Nangarhar City Educational Director, Mr. Ghirat Momand, Member of the supervisory board, Ms. Zahida Niazi, Principal of the high school, Ms. Zarghona Roghman,Tashabos teacher and the colleagues of Tashabos Organization, Mr. Seyed Jalal Rahmani and Ms. Alka Ahmadi were present. As usual the competition started with the recitation of blessed verses from the Holy Quran.
The Top 10 competition was held in the beautiful educational environment in the school yard. The high school students had smiles on their faces for this program that they were impatiently waiting for. Meanwhile, secondary school students also participated to encourage the participants and as a discipline team.
After reading Naat Sharif, students performed a poem titled “Tashabos is a Beautiful Subject” which was written specifically for Tashabos Subject. In the next step, Mr. Rahmani, as a representative of TEO, gave a detailed introduction of the Organization, Tashabos Subject and activities of the Tashabos program, and in the same way, Mr. Haqqani, the Nangarhar City Educational Director, delivered his speech as follows: Tashabos gives intellectual training to students. He added, “Be a healer for the pain of the nation, because (Al-Kaseb bo Habibullah) Allah Almighty loves merchant.” He addressed the students by mentioning an example so that the country’s system should not be in need of world in the field of economy. And he clearly emphasized that why we should not be self-sufficient in the field of economy? You should be a role model for others so that by learning business along with education, we can achieve the economic self-sufficiency of the country and save ourselves from poverty as well as dependency on the World.
Ms. Alka Ahmadi then explained the criteria of the Top 10 competition, scoring etc. Among the top 10, one for valid reason, was absent. The jury consisting of (Tashabos teacher, high school supervision member and representative of TEO) begin the contest. Each of the Top 10 contesters presented her business proposal and responded to the queries of the jury members accordingly.
As a results, the following three won the first, second and third positions:
1- Ms. Salma daughter of Mr. Samiullah: Ms. Salma’s business proposal was about the preparation of Manto a type of dumpling. She was able to stand on her own feet with her small business and be a financial supporter for her family.
2- Ms. Bibi Zala daughter Mr. Saifu-Rahman: Her business proposal was about preparing of soup, and after preparing soup, her brother sells it in the market. The price per serving of a cup of the soup is AFN.10 to 20 and this is how she helped her family.
3- Ms. Walwala daughter of Mr. Sayed Aziz: The business proposal of this student was to produce mirror embroidered clothes and by providing these, diverse and fashionable clothes to customers. In this way, she was able to take a step towards self-sufficiency.
At the end of the program, the students were awarded with trophies, books, and letters of appreciation. The students, expressing their great satisfaction, also requested to expand this program to other schools as well, since even secondary school students were interested, so attended this program. And by observing activities of Tashabos program, including the competition of the Top 10 competition, from this age, they see the high school students as role models for themselves and motivated by the idea of having small businesses, which is the purpose of the Tashabos program.