The Tashabos students’ entrepreneur’s product exhibition is an innovation conduct by Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) to reveal the hidden talents of youths. Tashabos program main goal is socio-economic empowerment of the youths so exhibitions are good opportunities for students to exhibit their innovations and experience the market; in this way they can improve their work and become encouraged.
Tashabos student’s products exhibition in Ustad Abdulhaq Betab Boys’ High School conducted by TEO with collaboration of the school administration on Sunday, Nov 03, 2024 at the school yard. In this exhibition, eighth District Educational Director Mr. Burhanullah Fazli with his colleagues, TEO Director Mr. Fazel Rabi Haqbeen with colleagues, one of the security authorities, Betab BHS principal Mr. Shah Wali Liwankhil, Tashabos teacher, school other teachers, students, and media (National Radio Television, Marif RTV, and Rah-Farda) representatives attended.
The exhibition opened with recitation of some verses of the Holy Quran. The school principal welcomed all the guests. He thanked TEO and DED for their collaboration with school administration for conducting this exhibition to encourage students. He mentioned about the achievements of school administration in relation to school rehabilitation and other arrangements. At the last part of his speech, he requested TEO leadership to involve and support students through any available opportunities for their encouragement and advancement.
The eight District Educational Director (DED) Mr. Burhanullah Fazli after welcome specch,expressed his pleasure to attend a program that facilitate the revealing of youths hidden talents. In here, we bring a brief quote of his speech “I love those who serve for others. I thank TEO for the work supporting students and facilitate a ground for students’ progress. Again, I request TEO leadership to increase their support to the students. Alhamdulillah today, we see improvements in different parts, empowers are those who use their knowledge to serve their country. Dear students expand your businesses, beside education having good moral is very important try to have good ethics”
Tashabos teacher Mr. Hikamtullah had a brief speech about Tashabos program key activities, entrepreneur’s characteristics and importance of entrepreneurship. TEO Executive Director Mr. Fazel Rabi Haqbeen speech “Asalamualikum wa Rahmatullah! Almighty Allah pointed to gaining the Halal income in many verses of the Holy Quran that is an obligation after obligations, today we forgot the holiness of business, one of the main goals of TEO is facilitating business ethics. Each human has talent that sometimes remains hidden, Tashabos program facilitate the revealing of hidden talents. My message is to youths that you are not less than other entrepreneurs as we are followers of Islam Holy religion that guides us . With mercy of Almighty Allah, we have rich resources, if we turn toward innovations, we will be self-reliant. We stay behind you to support to the extent possible”. It is to mention that top students were appreciated with certificates signed by the leadership of MoE and TEO.
After speeches, all of participants jointly visited the exhibition and discussed with students entrepreneur about their works. The District Educational Director asked some students about the role of Tashabos subject that majority of students named Tashabos as a motivational factor and called Tashabos important. The displayed products were; electrical innovations, cloths, west-coat, electrical accessories, photography related initiatives, gem cloths, motorcycle parts and etc.

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