Business Proposal Competition in Asheqaan Aarefaan Boys’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Asheqaan Aarefaan Boys’ High School Today, October 11, 2020, the Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the High School Administration held the business proposals’ competition. The TEO team clarified the purpose of implementing the Tashabos program to the students and encouraged them to use this opportunity to be able to start a small business and serve the society. The important points of the competition: In the business proposal competition, nine of the 10 students, were present, each of the nine students presented his proposal on his turn. The jury members asked the students questions about the budget, [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Asheqaan Aarefaan Boys’ High School2020-10-12T09:25:17+00:00

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Zarghoona Girls’ High School, Kabul


Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Zarghoona Girls’ High School, Kabul This exhibition was held today, October 8, 2020 by the Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) and Zarghoona GHS in the courtyard of this high school, which on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Mohammad Wahid Noori, Director of International and Cultural Relations, Ministry of Education, Mr. Mohammad Sediq Yaqeen, Head of the District 10th Education Department, Mr. Hedayatullah, Head of the Shirpour High School, the high school principal, deputy principal, teachers and students participated and visited the exhibition and applauded the work of TEO. The important points of the exhibition are [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Zarghoona Girls’ High School, Kabul2020-10-11T04:05:20+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Rukhshana Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Rukhshana Girls’ High School Thursday, October 8, 2020 Business Proposal Competition has been the interesting and pleasant part of the Tashabos program, where students from Grades 10, 11 and 12 with variety of business proposals contest. All together 21 students in Rukhshana GHS wrote Business Proposals (BPs) to compete. Among the 21 students, Top 10 students were selected. These Top 10 students were evaluated by a three members jury consisting of TEO team and Rukhshana GHS that they selected Top 3, which resulted in: Ms. Amina, Grade 11 student, with BP for production of bedspreads and cushions [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Rukhshana Girls’ High School2020-10-11T03:54:01+00:00

Mr. Mansoor Zaheer, Tashabos alumni, commented on the Tashabos page regarding the Tashabos introduction:


Mr. Mansoor Zaheer, Tashabos alumni, commented on the Tashabos page regarding the Tashabos introduction: Dear director, this is all your blessing, it is the only office that gives students affection and love; therefore, the students make progress. When we (Ms. Hadia and I) went through the workshops, we understood the importance of the Tashabos and of the startup business. I, first was a small trainee, now with blessing from Allah I have my own company. These are because of your blessing, may Allah keeps you and all your team, all the time happy. Lastly, if it happened to come to Nangarhar, [...]

Mr. Mansoor Zaheer, Tashabos alumni, commented on the Tashabos page regarding the Tashabos introduction:2020-10-08T07:28:51+00:00

Business Proposals’ Competition Among the Tashabos Students in Rabia Girls’ High School


Business Proposals’ Competition Among the Tashabos Students in Rabia Girls’ High School The Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC) is a golden opportunity for students to use this opportunity to reveal their initiatives, talents and to display their products and to facilitate the growth and development of their small businesses. The process of the business proposals’ competition for 2020 = 1399 started today. The first BPC was held in Rabia GHS on October 7, 2020, where the competition was held in an administration room. Fortunately, all the Top 10 students’ contesters have practical work. The Top 3 Tashabos students were selected as follows: [...]

Business Proposals’ Competition Among the Tashabos Students in Rabia Girls’ High School2020-10-08T07:23:05+00:00

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Girls’ High School, Kabul


Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Girls’ High School, Kabul Date: October 5, 2020 The exhibition was organized by the Tashabos Educational Organization in collaboration with the school in the open area of the school, which was visited by the vice principal of the high school, teachers and students. The exhibition featured food, handicrafts (knitting, embroidery, graphing) and vocational works such as women's clothes. Some of the visitors shopped products worth AFN. 300 نمایشات شاگردان متشبث لیسه عالی خواجه مسافر اناث تاریخ: ۱۵/۷/۱۳۹۹ این نمایشگاه از سوی موسسه تعلیمی و تربیتی تشبث و لیسه در فضای باز مکتب برگزار شد [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Girls’ High School, Kabul2020-10-07T09:34:08+00:00

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Boys’ High School, Kabul


Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Boys’ High School, Kabul Date: October 5, 2020 The exhibition was organized by Tashabsh Educational Organization and in cooperation with the high school in the headteacher office, which was visited by the TEO team, some of its interesting points are as follows: There were agricultural products mushroom, children's play equipment (cars, elevators), gypsum ornaments (gypsum horses), repair services of used bulbs, rifles made of boards and decorative beaded vases were displayed in the exhibition. - Mr. Soheil Ahmad, Grade 12 student who owned a mushroom cultivation farm, he artificially cultivates mushroom in rubber band [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Khoja Mosafer Boys’ High School, Kabul2020-10-07T09:27:11+00:00

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School, Kabul


Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School, Kabul Date: October 5, 2020 Tashabos Educational Organization in collaboration with Omulbanin Girls’ High School organized the Tashabos students’ products’ exhibition in one of the classrooms. The school vice principal, teachers and students visited the Tashabos exhibitions. During the observation of the exhibition, TEO team talked to the students and some of the students mentioned that they made use of the quarantine time to product products and market them. Some of the students expressed their views as follows. - Ms. Mursal, Grade 12 student said, “The Tashabos subject strengthens and develops the [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School, Kabul2020-10-05T11:17:29+00:00

Recognition and Development of Hidden Talents of Women


Recognition and Development of Hidden Talents of Women Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA) launched an event of competition titled "Recognition and Development of Hidden Talents of Women" among the Kabul University students and among the Mariam, Zainab Kobra, Zarghoona and Durkhanai Girls’ High Schools in collaboration with Kabul University and Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) on Thursday, October 1, 2020. The process started on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. An independent jury consisted of the following dignitaries was assigned to evaluate the contesters: 1- Dr. Ajmal Shkolai, Professor of Literature, Kabul University, 2- Dr. Fariba Farhat, Professor of Literature, Kabul University, 3- Fazal [...]

Recognition and Development of Hidden Talents of Women2020-10-05T11:10:00+00:00

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School, Kabul


Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School, Kabul Tashabos Educational Organization in collaboration with Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School organized the Tashabos students’ products’ exhibition on September 30, 2020. The school head teachers, teachers and students visited the Tashabos exhibitions. During the observation of the exhibition, TEO team talked to the students and encouraged them to start small businesses as per the motivation of the Tashabos subject, so they take a step towards self-sufficiency. Some of the students expressed their purpose of participation in the exhibition as follows: - Mr. Ahmadshah, Grade 12 student said, “The [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School, Kabul2020-10-04T09:50:01+00:00

TEO Team Meeting with HE Ministry of Education

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