Business Proposal Competition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School The business proposal competition process is an opportunity to select Top 3 business proposals and ideas from Top 10 business proposals that are organized every year in the high schools under coverage of the Tashabos program. The 14th business proposals’ competition of the Tashabos students was held in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School on October 28, 2020. All Top 10 contesters presented their business proposals that the jury evaluated them and at the end of the evaluation, three of the contesters won the first, second and third positions and the [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Hakim Nasir Khesraw Boys’ High School2020-11-01T03:59:43+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Ustaad Betab Boys’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Ustaad Betab Boys’ High School The Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the high school management held this business proposal competition on Sunday, October 25, 2020, in the principal office. First a three members jury consisting of one representative of TEO, the school principal and the Tashabos teacher was formed to evaluate the business proposals of the contesters. The competition began with provision of necessary information to the students about presentation criteria of the BPs that the contesters presented their BPs accordingly on their turns. The interesting points of the competition were: The high school principal told [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Ustaad Betab Boys’ High School2020-10-27T04:18:06+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Abdul Rahim Shaheed Boys’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Abdul Rahim Shaheed Boys’ High School The 12th business proposals’ competition of the Tashabos students was held in Abdul Rahim Shaheed High School on October 22, 2020. The business proposal competition process is an opportunity to select Top 3 business proposals and ideas from Top 10 business proposals that are organized every year in the high schools under coverage of the Tashabos program. Fortunately, in this school, we were able to evaluate the students' business proposals and ideas. The students showed their hidden talents in front of the jury, their teachers and their classmates. During this stage, [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Abdul Rahim Shaheed Boys’ High School2020-10-25T05:53:04+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Abol Qasim Ferdowsi Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Abol Qasim Ferdowsi Girls’ High School The Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the high school management held this business proposal competition, on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. The competition began with provision of necessary information to the students about presentation criteria of the BPs. A three members jury consisting of two teachers and one representative of TEO was formed to evaluate the contesters. All Top 10 contesters presented their Business Proposals (BPs) on their turns and reasonably answered questions of the jury members. The interesting points of the competition were: A number of gust visitors consisting of [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Abol Qasim Ferdowsi Girls’ High School2020-10-22T10:06:00+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Chehelstoon Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Chehelstoon Girls’ High School The Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the high school management held this business proposal competition today, Monday, October 19, 2020, in the principal office. The high school principal, vice principals, teachers, students and Top 10 contesters participated in the competition. The competition began with the recitation of few verses from the Holy Quran, followed by provision of necessary information to the students about presentation of the BPs. All Top 10 contesters presented their Business Proposals (BPs) on their turns. The necessary and important points of the competition were: A number of students [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Chehelstoon Girls’ High School2020-10-20T04:08:22+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Bibi Sara Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Bibi Sara Girls’ High School Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the Bibi Sara High School Administration held the Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC) in the conference room of the school Thursday, October 15, 2020. The competition began with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran, followed by provision of necessary information to the students about presentation of the BPs. All Top 10 contesters presented their business proposals with interest that all Top 10 were selected from first position holder to the 10 based on comparison of their scores. The interesting points of the competition [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Bibi Sara Girls’ High School2020-10-19T04:19:49+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School The eight Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC) was held in Omulbanin Girls’ High School on Sunday, October 18, 2020. All Top 10 contesters presented their business proposals that the jury members evaluated them. At the end three of the contesters won the first, second and third position (Top 3) and the rest scored up to ten positions. The contesters were awarded with trophies, letters of appreciation and books about business that made them happy and encouraged. The three winners were as follows: 1- Ms. Nooria, Grade 11 student, who presented her BP about art [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Omulbanin Girls’ High School2020-10-19T04:13:19+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Mariam Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Mariam Girls’ High School Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the High School Administration held the Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC) in the laboratory of the school today, October 14, 2020. The competition began with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran, followed by briefing of the eight criteria for the evaluation of the BPs. All Top 10 contesters presented their business to the evaluation board on their turn. The interesting points of this competition were: The majority of the contesters brought their work samples (woven baskets, bead confectionery holders, hand-embroidered graphs, jams, vases made [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Mariam Girls’ High School2020-10-15T09:47:40+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Dehdana Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Dehdana Girls’ High School Today, Tuesday, October 13, 2020, the Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the High School Administration held the Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC). First the Top 10 Tashabos students were briefed and guided on how to present their business proposal based on the criteria. The contesters presented their BPs accordingly. The evaluation panel members asked the Top 10 contesters about various aspects of their BPs that they responded to the questions. The Top 3 students were selected as follows: 1- The winner of the first position, Ms. Kaamela, Grade 12 student, who presented her [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Dehdana Girls’ High School2020-10-14T04:03:54+00:00

Business Proposal Competition in Sherino Girls’ High School


Business Proposal Competition in Sherino Girls’ High School Today, Monday, October 12, 2020, the Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the High School Administration held the Business Proposals’ Competition (BPC) in the computer lab. The Ministry of Education, Educational RTV filmed the BPC. The competition began with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the national anthem. They presented their business to the evaluation board in turn. Then, Ms. Hamideh Mohammadi, TEO Program Officer briefed and guided the students on how to present their business proposal that they submitted to the evaluation committee one by one [...]

Business Proposal Competition in Sherino Girls’ High School2020-10-13T04:59:19+00:00

TEO Team Meeting with HE Ministry of Education

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