Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs Products’ Exhibition On Sunday, January 2, 2022 Tashabos students and graduates entrepreneurs, showcased their products in the Tashabos Educational Organization that the Kabul City Education Director and his team
visited. Here is a brief introduction to those students: 6 - Mr. Habibulrahman, Grade 10 student of Khawaja Abdullah Ansari Boys’ High School, has the tin manufacturing shop and is gaining Halal income for himself and his family this way. He is supplying various types of the products to his customers considering the market demand. Mr. Habibulrahman said, “Studying Tashabos textbook and going through the Tashabos program enabled me to start this business with small budget and to expand this business”. Kabul City Education Director advised him to attract new customers by taking less profit by this way to attract new [...]