Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs’ Product Exhibition at Ustad Abdul Haq Betab High School

Following to the series of Tashabos students exhibitions, in a joint collaboration, TEO and Ustaad Betab High School’s administration organized Tashabos students exhibition on 25 October, 2022. On behalf of Kabul City Education Directorate, Mr. Mohammad Rafi Afzali, Coordination Officer, Qari Abdul Rahman Khadem, District Eight Educational Director, school principal, teachers, and students participated and visited the exhibition. The guests inaugurated the exhibition. To broadcast the exhibition, Education Television team came to the school, they interviewed the eight district educational director and some of the students about effectiveness of the Tashabos program. Exhibition was organized with a special arrangement at the [...]

Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs’ Product Exhibition at Ustad Abdul Haq Betab High School2022-11-07T05:01:00+00:00

Tashabos Students’ Product Exhibition at Rahman Meena Girls’ High School

Despite closing of the intermediate and high schools for females students, who are not attending their classes above grade six, TEO and school administration took the initiative for launching of the entrepreneurs exhibition. This exhibition launched on 23 October, 2022 at school yard. The purposes for launching of exhibition were; encouraging Tashabos students, facilitation for earning income, and guiding/updating them about the Tashabos program activities. As students especially girls are more interested for participating in the Tashabos program activities, so besides self-studying of their Tashabos subjects at homes they worked on practical aspect as well and prepared their handicrafts for exhibition. [...]

Tashabos Students’ Product Exhibition at Rahman Meena Girls’ High School2022-11-07T04:50:26+00:00

Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs Talents’ Exhibition

With the initiative from the Tashabos Educational Organization, TEO organized the exhibition in TEO’s office on 20 October, 2022. The main purpose of holding this exhibition was to reveal innovations, develop business relations, and in general, provide a field of progress for young entrepreneurs. In this exhibition, more than ten students from high schools covered by the Tashabos program attended and displayed their products, some of the students were accompanied by their parents and Tashabos teachers. The displayed products were: drawing/painting arts, various samples of Afghani dresses/clothes, children's woven clothes, jackets, silver products, jams, earrings, bracelets, and ornaments made from primitive [...]

Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs Talents’ Exhibition2022-11-07T04:37:10+00:00

Khowaja Abdullah Ansari boys high school Exhibition

TEO and Khowaja Abdullah Ansari high school organized the Tashabos students’ product exhibition on 22 Sep, 2022 at campus of the school. Participants of the event were; Muwlavi Omid Afghan, District II Educational Director, school principal, vice principal, TEO team, teachers and students. Mr. Fazel Rabi Haqbeen TEO Executive Director, after greetings pointing to Surah Joma verse of (And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah) he said, in this holy verse the aim from Bounty of Allah is gaining of Halal income which is one of the obligation. [...]

Khowaja Abdullah Ansari boys high school Exhibition2022-11-07T04:19:30+00:00

Students Type of Employment

It was interesting to know about the status/types of the employment the Tashabos students secured. The respondents were asked whether the jobs are official or unofficial, majority 85% responded, the jobs were unofficial, while 15% responded the jobs were official. This show most of the jobs were in the private sector.

Students Type of Employment2022-09-28T10:41:31+00:00

Monthly Income of Students Who Secured Employment

 When asked about their monthly income 63% of the students stated it is less than 5,000 Afs. Twenty-two percent, students reporting monthly incomes between AFN.5,000 to 10,000 and 15% reported their monthly income, more than AFN. 10,000.

Monthly Income of Students Who Secured Employment2022-09-14T06:29:18+00:00

TEO Team Meeting with HE Ministry of Education

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