Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibitions in Nangarhar Province

These Tashabos Students Products’ exhibitions were organized by the Tashabos Educational Organization in cooperation with the Nangarhar Education Department on the 11th and 12th of April in 2021 in three high schools of the province (Abdul Wakil, Shahid Mohammad Aref and Nahid Shahid). The plan to organize these exhibitions was shared with the Nangarhar Education Department, the Jalalabad City Education Department, the Women's Affairs Department and other relevant departments. The purpose of holding these exhibitions was to gain market experience, income, information about the price and quality of products and other necessary goals. During the visit to the exhibitions, the TEO [...]

Tashabos Students Products’ Exhibitions in Nangarhar Province2021-04-26T09:44:44+00:00

Mr. Ahmad Sahil Rasa, Legal Advisor for Azizi Bank’s Rules Compliance, Member of the Jury in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

  Mr. Ahmad Sahel Rasa called the Tashabos program important and valuable. He advised that Azizi Bank and the Tashabos Educational Organization to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in support of the Tashabos program and students. محترم احمد ساحل رسا٬ مشاور حقوقی، پیروی از قوانین عزیزی بانک٬ عضو هئیت ژوری در محفل نهایی رقابت ده طرح بهترین تجارتی سه شنبه٬ ۲۶ حوت ۱۳۹۹ محترم احمد ساحل رسا برنامه تشبث را مهم و ارزنده خطاب کرد و سفارش کرد تا عزیزی بانک و مؤسسه تعلیمی و تربیت تشبث تفاهمنامه همکاری در قبال حمایت از برنامه و شاگردان تشبث امضاء نمایند.

Mr. Ahmad Sahil Rasa, Legal Advisor for Azizi Bank’s Rules Compliance, Member of the Jury in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-26T05:47:49+00:00

Text of Mr. Abdul Salam Kohi, Director, Legal Services and Arbitration Department, in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful I would like to reiterate to you that the Afghan Private Sector and the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries is at your service. Do visit and contact us, we, through our experiences as much as possible, will cooperate and coordinate. I wish each of you success. Thank you very much. Mr. Kohi advices to the Tashabos students in the future 1- Job creation to be included in the goals 2- Business ethics to be considered 3- To use the local/in country raw materials 4- Consumers’ need to be considered [...]

Text of Mr. Abdul Salam Kohi, Director, Legal Services and Arbitration Department, in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-20T05:02:43+00:00

Text of speech of Mr. Seyed Muhibullah Hashmi, Deputy Chief of party, Centre for International Private Enterprise, in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Today we are witness of the Tashabos program that was implemented from 2007 to 2013 under the umbrella of CIPE and achieved very good results, as a result of these positive outcomes, CIPE decided to institutionalize this program. CIPE then laid the foundation of the Tashabos Educational Organization, which had significant achievements after 2013. Every year, thousands of students graduate from this program and create small and medium-sized businesses, which creates jobs opportunities for our citizens. I do not want to waste time, I just want to congratulate the graduates [...]

Text of speech of Mr. Seyed Muhibullah Hashmi, Deputy Chief of party, Centre for International Private Enterprise, in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-14T10:17:31+00:00

Text of Mr. Ezatullah Ainee, KPED Supervision Head Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Dear directors, representative of the Minister of Education, teachers and students, I convey to you the message from Mr. Mohammad Azimi, Director of Kabul Provincial Education Department. Secondly, the Tashabos Educational Organization, which started its activities in the field of education in 2004, that I myself involved in the field of supervision, we have a lot of achievements through the Tashabos program. Because there are talents in education that no one raises. Tashabos Educational Organization provide opportunity according to the student's keenness and interest for the talents to grow. This [...]

Text of Mr. Ezatullah Ainee, KPED Supervision Head Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-14T09:57:46+00:00

Text of His Excellency, Deputy Minister (Commerce) Abdul Kareem Malikyar Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

متن سخنرانی جلالتمآب ملکیار معین وزارت صنعت و تجارت در محفل نهایی رقابت ده طرح بهترین تجارتی سه شنبه٬ ۲۶ حوت ۱۳۹۹ بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم جناب حقبین صاحب، هاشمی صاحب، نماینده محترم ازدفترجلالتمآب خانم اول، خانم نورزی صاحب، کوهی صاحب، استادان نهایت معظم وزرات معارف، شاگردان ومحصلین خواهران وبرادران صبح همه تان بخیر. نخست ازهمه میخواهم بر روان پاک شهدای نیروی های امنیتی که درهمچوشرایط دشوار بخاطردفاع ازوطن نوامیس ومنافع اولیا کشور درخطوط مقدم جبهه جان های شرین خود راازدست داده درود میفرستم، من فکرمیکنم که درقسمت موضوع تشبثات جناب هاشمی صاحب، جناب حقبین صاحب وسایردستندرکارهایی که قبلاصحبت کردن گپ [...]

Text of His Excellency, Deputy Minister (Commerce) Abdul Kareem Malikyar Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-05T04:02:52+00:00

Text of His Excellency, Deputy Minister (Commerce) Abdul Kareem Malikyar Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 2021

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Mr. Haqbeen Sahib, Hashemi Sahib, esteemed representative from the Her Excellency the First Lady Office, Ms. Noorzai Sahib, Koohi Sahib, the esteemed teachers of the Ministry of Education, students, universities’ students, brothers and sisters, good morning. First of all, I would like to send my salutation to the pure souls of the martyrs of the security forces, who lost their lives at the front lines during difficult times for the defense of the homeland and the supreme interests of the country. I think that Mr. Hashmi Sahib, Mr. Haqbeen Sahib [...]

Text of His Excellency, Deputy Minister (Commerce) Abdul Kareem Malikyar Speech in the Final Business Proposal Competition a National Event, Tuesday, March 16, 20212021-04-05T03:52:51+00:00

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Message from Her Excellency the Minister of Education

Message from Her Excellency the Minister of Education Ms. Sajia Noorzai, Director of Primary and Secondary Education, who was a member of the jury in the business proposal competition event, before delivering the message, said: I was supposed to have my own speech, but the plan changed after the Minister of Education, who wanted to participate in the program, but could not participate due to her busy schedule and she gave me the responsibility to convey her message to you. Mr. Haqbeen, I here convey the message of the Minister to you and deliver my speech in the next program. It [...]

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Message from Her Excellency the Minister of Education2021-03-30T04:56:05+00:00

The text of the message of the Her Excellency the First Lady In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

I am glad to be together once again to celebrate the achievements of another year of the Tashabos program. Congratulating and celebrating the great success and efforts of the small team of the Tashabos. These activities and achievements add to your experiences every year and enable you to accomplish greater achievements. The Tashabos Educational Organization, which has been operating in Afghanistan for thirteen years, has fortunately been run for six years by a small team of our Afghan brothers and sisters. This year, the organization also launched business proposal competitions among 42 schools in four provinces of the country. After going [...]

The text of the message of the Her Excellency the First Lady In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful2021-03-30T04:24:08+00:00

The Opening of the Final Top 10 Business Proposal Competition of the Tashabos Students With Recitation from the Holy Qur’an

د تشبث د زده کوونکو د لس غوره ورستیو سوداګریزو طرحو د سیالیي پیل د قرآن کریم په تلاوت سره آغاز محفل رقابت نهایی ده بهترین طرح های تجارتی شاگردان تشبث با تلاوت قرآن کریم

The Opening of the Final Top 10 Business Proposal Competition of the Tashabos Students With Recitation from the Holy Qur’an2021-03-30T04:18:37+00:00

TEO Team Meeting with HE Ministry of Education

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