About tashabose

Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) Tashabos teaches self-reliance, self-employment and socio-economic empowerment.

    ACBAR Steering Committee Meeting at Tashabos Educational Organization Office and an Opportunity for Tashabos Program Alumni


    As Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) Executive Director serves as ACBAR steering committee chairperson, so this time the steering committee meeting was organized in TEO office. The meeting conducted on January 10, 2024. For purpose of Tashabos Alumni support, TEO invited two of its active youth entrepreneurs to office, so that participants hear their success stories and to provide market for the entrepreneur’s products. Two active entrepreneurs of Tashabos program each Ms. Fatima Nasiri and Ms. Valeena Nazari attended this event and displayed their products. During their presence in the meeting, the entrepreneurs described their business briefly as follow; Ms. Fatima Nasiri, [...]

    ACBAR Steering Committee Meeting at Tashabos Educational Organization Office and an Opportunity for Tashabos Program Alumni2024-05-06T05:08:48+00:00
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    Top 10 business proposals competition at Alayee Girls High School in Nangarhar Province


    Despite many challenges, Tashabos Educational Organization has been always looking for alternative ways to achieve the main goal, which is to motivate students to achieve self-reliance, and fortunately, once again, with the cooperation of the relevant departments, the Top 10 Business Proposals competition was held on Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023, in Alayee Girls High School in which, Mr. Asadurahman Haqqani,Head of Nangarhar City Educational Director, Mr. Ghirat Momand, Member of the supervisory board, Ms. Zahida Niazi, Principal of the high school, Ms. Zarghona Roghman,Tashabos teacher and the colleagues of Tashabos Organization, Mr. Seyed Jalal Rahmani and Ms. Alka Ahmadi were present. [...]

    Top 10 business proposals competition at Alayee Girls High School in Nangarhar Province2024-01-18T06:54:05+00:00
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    Business Proposal Competition at Shaheed Mohammad Arif High School


    Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) in collaboration with Shaheed Mohammad Arif High School in Nangarhar Province organized Business Proposal Competition among Tashabos students on December 19, 2023 in the library of the high school. Purpose of conducting business proposal competition is to encourage students and to identify quality business proposals. This year student of this high school wrote 30 business proposals majority of which were in vocational sector. Tashabos Educational Organization team prior to conducting competition met with Muwlavi Ibrahim, Principal of the school. During this meeting, TEO Program Officer presented him information about TEO and Tashabos program. He mentioned that the [...]

    Business Proposal Competition at Shaheed Mohammad Arif High School2024-01-18T06:43:51+00:00

      Ms. Walina Nazari, one of the talented students of the Tashabos program participation in the Bibi Khadija Kobra (R.A.) Exhibition


      A major exhibition under the title of Bibi Khadija Kobra RA, was held by the Afghan Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and a number of other entities and organizations on Tuesday, Nov 14th, 2023 at the Afghanistan National and International Exhibition Center in Kabul, in which women made products were exhibited. Among these hard-working women, Ms. Walina Nazari, Tashabos alumni also participated. She expressed her satisfaction for considerable sales she had and added: "Tashabos program enabled me to pursue my dreams. From this program, I learnt how to run a small [...]

      Ms. Walina Nazari, one of the talented students of the Tashabos program participation in the Bibi Khadija Kobra (R.A.) Exhibition2024-01-18T06:38:47+00:00
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      Business Proposal Competition at Khawaja-Abdullah Ansari Boys’ High School


      The business proposal competitions among the young entrepreneurs really encourages them to accelerate their efforts for development of their businesses. The business proposal competition among Khawaja-Abdullah Ansari School students contesters took place on November 20, 2023 in library of the school. The business proposal competition started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Tashabos Program Officer, Mr. Ahmad Shakieb Fayzi oriented students about presentation of business proposals that students to be ready for presenting their proposals within the given time. There were the school principal, teachers and students present in the competition. All contesters presented their business proposals [...]

      Business Proposal Competition at Khawaja-Abdullah Ansari Boys’ High School2023-12-24T10:42:31+00:00

        Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs Business Proposal Competition at Khawaja Musafer Boys’ High School


        Following the series of business proposal competitions, this time this competition conducted in Kabul province Paghman District related Khawaja-Musafer High school. The main purpose of conducting competition is to recognize the best business idea and to encourage students. Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) with collaboration of school administration conducted business proposal competition at Khawaja Musafer high school on November 19, 2023. Mr. Abdul Satar Haqqani, Principal, teachers and students attended this business proposal competition. The contest started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Tashabos Program Officer presented the evaluation criteria of the business proposal to the students; he [...]

        Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs Business Proposal Competition at Khawaja Musafer Boys’ High School2023-12-24T10:36:58+00:00
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        The Tashabos Program Once Again brought SMILE on the faces of the country’s future makers


        Tashabos Students Entrepreneurs’ Products Exhibition at Zainab-Kubra Girls’ High School The Tashabos program objective is youth’s self-reliance, creating an economic momentum. The exhibition was about youth’s hidden talents; so Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) continuously trying to encourage youth especially girls with using the available opportunities. Girls are encouraged to take part in the economic activities, so they can be proud of their own, families and society. Due to the current restrictions on girls’ education above grade six, TEO in its implementation of the program adapting strategy in accordance to the situation. TEO use alternative ways, so girls beneficiaries benefit from the [...]

        The Tashabos Program Once Again brought SMILE on the faces of the country’s future makers2023-12-24T10:33:16+00:00
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        Tashabos Entrepreneurs Students Business Proposal Competition at Rahman Meena Girls’ High School


        Rahman Meena High school is related to eight District Educational Directorate, this high school is one of the active schools. The school administration arrange Tashabos program related events very well and students of this school implement Tashabos program related activities with great interest. Tashabos Educational Organization in collaboration with the school administration conducted business proposal competition in this school on November 2, 2023 in conference hall of the school. Eight District Educational Director (DED), Mr. Qari Abdul Rahman Khadam and Mr. Qari Fitratullah came to visit the competition and encourage students. Beside competition, students displayed their products. Before start of business [...]

        Tashabos Entrepreneurs Students Business Proposal Competition at Rahman Meena Girls’ High School2023-11-20T08:03:46+00:00

          Tashabos Entrepreneurs’ Students Business Proposal Competition and Product Exhibition at Zokor Markaz Bamyan High School


          In series of conducting business proposal competitions, this time Tashabos Educational Organization (TEO) team went to Bamyan Province for conducting of business proposal competition and visiting of the Tashabos entrepreneurs students products’ exhibition. Totally 20 students of Zokor Markaz Bamyan High School developed business proposals. More of the business proposals were in vocational sector; after review and evaluation among all proposals 10 top proposals were selected for competition inside the school, all Top 10 students presented their proposals on their own turn. TEO in collaboration with the school administration conducted business proposal competition on October 25, 2023 in the library of [...]

          Tashabos Entrepreneurs’ Students Business Proposal Competition and Product Exhibition at Zokor Markaz Bamyan High School2023-11-07T07:04:01+00:00

            Tajrobawi Mohammad Usman High School Tashabos Students’ Business Proposal Competition


            Tajrobawi Mohammad Usman BHS is one of the schools that implement the Tashabos program, the school is located in center of Parwan Province. This year 20 students wrote business proposals in different fields. TEO and school administration conducted business proposal competition in this school on October 18, 2023. The school principal Mr. Abdul Hafiz Haidari, Master Mr. Zabiullah, educational supervision member Mr. Abdul Ahad Bayani, teachers, and students participated at the competition event. The event started with the recitation of some verses from Holy Quran. Then all of the Top 10 students presented their business ideas to the jury as well [...]

            Tajrobawi Mohammad Usman High School Tashabos Students’ Business Proposal Competition2023-11-07T06:57:49+00:00

            TEO Team Meeting with HE Ministry of Education

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